Thursday, September 06, 2007

Got Cake?

Mauigirl commented on a previous post about weight loss in dementia about the possible correlation between lost pounds and diminished taste perception. Here's an item of interest:

Turkish researchers have discovered the reason why aging women might cut themselves a big piece for breakfast. Their study, published several years ago in the British Dental Journal, found that postmenopausal women had a significantly diminished ability to sense sweets rolling over their palates.

While the women demonstrated no altered sensitivity to salt, sour, or bitter tastes compared to an age-matched group of old guys, they were not near so moved by a gob of Turkish taffy crammed in their mouths as the gents were. Nearly half the female test subjects noted that they had changed their eating habits in favor of sweeter food.

If you are enjoying your a.m. pastry and coffee with nary a care for the consequences, the researchers warn, "The crucial issue to be aware of is that the possible changes due to menopause can lead to more serious health problems, although these changes may not be uncomfortable to the patient."


KGMom said...

At what age does this begin to happen? I just want to be ready!

Mauigirl said...

I've wondered whether diminished ability to taste sweets may be another harbinger of Alzheimer's Disease - my father (who always had a sweet tooth to begin with) in his very old age when dementia started to be apparent, began adding sugar to EVERYTHING, even orange juice! My mother-in-law (who has Alzheimer's), who used to only put one spoon of sugar in her coffee, has taken to putting 3 sugars or two Splendas in her coffee now. My mom, who hasn't a single sign of dementia, shows no increased use of sugar, nor does her sister, who also has no dementia.

Mauigirl said...

Oops, meant to add, thanks for the link!