Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Estriol and wrinkles

Estriol is the darling of the natural hormone set. A weak little estrogen, it is, in fact, a metabolic byproduct of the normal breakdown of the body's two stronger circulating estrogens, estrone and estradiol. Enormous quantities are necessary to preserve bone mass, but itty bitty bits dabbed on your aging visage may improve the quality of your skin.

A .3% topical cream, available by prescription from compounding pharmacies, was applied daily to the wrinkled surfaces of a group of perimenopausal ladies. Not only did skin elasticity and firmness improve after six months of use, but also wrinkle depth and pore size decreased. Skin biopsy specimens (now how much did they pay these ladies for that?) showed increased numbers of collagen fibers. Serum hormone levels did not change and there was no evidence of any systemic hormone effects, suggesting that topical estriol is safe for use in women unable to use full-dose estrogen replacement therapy.


KGMom said...

And it is available by RX for how much?
Or is it over-the-counter?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it might work for my incipient turkey neck. That would be good, no, great. What type of doctor would you have to go to get the Rx for something like this? Gyn?

JeanMac said...

Do they sell it by the gallon?

Mauigirl said...

Sounds great! I have some of that stuff, maybe I should start putting it on my face instead of, um, where I was putting it.

Anonymous said...

I use a bioidentical USP estriol cream of 0.25% on my face and neck. It really does work. The biggest difference I noticed was in the lines and sagging of my neck. I recommend trying it on your face if your doctor approves it.