Sunday, July 04, 2021


Liposomal vitamin C

Somewhere along our evolutionary line, our primate ancestors lost the ability to manufacture vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid.  Scientists theorize that self-made vitamin C was no longer necessary for most primates due to the high intake of the vitamin through daily intake of fruits and vegetation.  We therefore must rely on dietary or supplemental C.  Unfortunately, one of the problems with the powders, tablets, and capsules of ascorbic acid is that very little of it is absorbed into the bloodstream.  Taking higher doses assures that most of the vitamin C stays in the gut and is eliminated through the GI tract.

Liposomal vitamin C is the same ingredient packaged in a delivery system that assures most of the active C is absorbed.  Liposomes are microscopic bubbles; their outer coating is a lipid layer that allows easy entrance through the intestinal lining just like dietary fats.  In addition, liposomal C does not raise oxalate levels in the blood thus eliminating the increased risk of kidney stones.

Rather than further explain the benefits of liposomal C, I’d recommend you check out:

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